How to Reduce Minus the Eye

Dr. William Bates is an eye specialist who had died long ago in 1931. The doctors believe many people who really do not need to use glasses with a way to train her.

Although eliminating minus the eyes without surgery is still a controversy, but Dr. Bates proved many followers who managed to lose minus.

Free lowered minus recorded in his book entitled 'Better eyesight Without Glasses', of course, contrary to current practice optometrists. Eyes minus current can only go down or disappear simply as lasik eye surgery.

Dr. Bates discovered the technique after experimenting for years. Dr. Bates developed exercises to improve the ability of the eye in order to look normal and eliminate the tensions that exist due to the bad habit of looking at the cause vision problems.


Electrical resistance

Electrical resistance is the ratio between the voltage of the electronic components (eg resistors) with listrikyang flows through it. Electrical resistance that has Ohm unit can be formulated as follows:

\mathbf R=V/I
\mathbf R=\delta V/I
where V is voltage and I is the electric current.

Food Makers Insomnia

- Some of you may be accustomed to eating before bed. However, you should pay attention to what you eat And, because some foods can make you have trouble sleeping.

Reported Quickeasyfit, here are some foods and drinks that can make you difficult to sleep at night ...

Energy drinks

Energy drinks high in caffeine, and increase adrenaline and alertness. Recent studies have shown, even when you take it in the daytime, when combined with other caffeinated beverages such as coffee or high tea, you will be hard to close my eyes until the evening.


10 Facts Hidden SpongeBob SquarePants

Foto: 10 Fakta Tersembunyi SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants adalah sebuah serial film animasi yang paling populer di Nickelodeon. Pada awalnya serial kartun ini ditayangkan pada tahun 1999 di Amerika Serikat dan dicipta oleh Stephen Hillenburg, seorang animator dan ahli biologi laut, dan diterbitkan oleh perusahaan beliau, United Plankton Pictures Inc. 

Berikut ini 10 Fakta Menarik SpongeBob SquarePants yang Mungkin Belum Diketahui:

1. The Krusty Krab

Tahu Mr Krabs kan? Ceritanya, setelah perang, Mr. Krabs mengalami depresi berat. Kemudian dia membeli sebuah rumah jompo, The Krusty Krab. Lewat kerja keras dan segala usaha, Krusty Krab pulih kembali dan menjadi toko burger paling populer di bawah laut.

2. Mr. Krabs

Menurut episode “Sleepy Time”: Usia Mr. Krabs adalah 62 tahun, Nomor SIM-nya: A5265661, Tanggal lahir: 30 November 1942, Alamat: 3541 Anchor Way, Bikini Bottom. Dan dia punya binatang peliharaan bernama Mr. Doodles.

3. SpongeBob

Tanggal lahir SpongeBob adalah: 14 Juli 1986. Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM) pernah muncul di episode “Sleepy Time” dan “No Free Rides.” Dalam 2 episode itu, nomor SIM-nya adalah A1356021, Alamat SpongeBob adalah: 124 Conch St. Bikini Bottom.

4. Film Kartun Semua Umur

SpongeBob, kartun ciptaan Stephen Hillenberg ini dirancang untuk usia 2 sampai 11 tahun. Akan tetapi, nyatanya film itu juga menyedot penonton dewasa usia 18 hingga 50 tahun. Sebuah survei di Inggris menunjukkan, 40 persen dari satu juta penonton SpongeBob berusia di atas 16 tahun.

5. Penggagas Spongebob

Penggagas Spongebob, Stephen Hillenberg, pernah mendalami studi sumber daya kelautan di Universitas Humboldt, California. Hillenberg juga pernah mengajar biologi kelautan di Orange County Marine Institute, California, dan kemudian mengambil program master dalam animasi eksperimental di Institut Seni California. Pengalaman dan hobi itulah yang kemudian melahirkan kartun SpongeBob SquarePants pada tahun 1996.

6. Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon yang memproduksi SpongeBob adalah perusahaan di bawah Viacom yang juga memayungi MTV. Belakangan SpongeBob dibuat versi layar lebar-sebuah indikator bahwa film tersebut mempunyai pasar yang mendunia.

7. Pengisi Suara SpongeBob

Tom Kenny, yang mengisi suara SpongeBob sebenarnya bermaksud membuat suaranya seperti SpongeBob supaya kita teringat dengan lautan.

8. Nama Asli SpongeBob

Sebenarnya nama asli SpongeBob itu SpongeBoy, tapi sayangnya nama SpongeBoy secara legal sudah dimiliki oleh yang lain dan tidak bisa dipakai.

9. Squidward

Squidward cuma punya 6 tentacles, padahal dia seekor gurita (yang harusnya 8 tentacles). Alasan sang kartunis membuat Squidward cuma dengan 6 tentacles supaya ia tidak terlihat terlalu terbebani oleh tentaclesnya.

10. Rumah SpongeBob

SpongeBob tinggal di rumah nanas karena Nanas adalah motif yang biasa digunakan dalam Kerajinan Polynesian, Stephen Hillenburg juga merasa kalau SpongeBob bakal suka bau dari rumah nanasnya.

Nah, sekarang kita jadi lebih tahu rahasia-rahasia tersembunyi yang ada di balik kartun SpongeBob.

Posted by: Ngadimin
SpongeBob SquarePants is an animated series on Nickelodeon's most popular. At the beginning this cartoon series aired in 1999 in the United States and created by Stephen Hillenburg, a marine biologist and animator, and published by his company, United Plankton Pictures Inc..

Here are 10 SpongeBob SquarePants Interesting Facts That May Not Know:

1. The Krusty Krab

You know, That the Angel of Death 70x a day we Stalking?

Foto: Tahukah Kamu, Bahwa Malaikat Maut Mengintai Kita 70x Sehari?

Memang tidak ada yang pernah tahu kapan seseorang akan menghadapi kematian, itulah sebabnya banyak orang tidak mempersiapkan diri menghadapi kedatangannya. Itulah sebabnya Imam Al Gazali memperingatkan kepada kita bahwa di dunia ini sesuatu yang paling pasti adalah maut dan kematian, tidak ada yang lain.

Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: “Setiap yang hidup akan merasai mati, dan Kami menguji kamu dengan kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai cobaan; dan kepada Kamilah kamu akan kembali.” (Surah al-Anbiyak ayat 35) 

Tahukah kita bahwa malaikat maut sentiasa memperhatikan serta melihat wajah kita sebanyak 70 kali dalam sehari? Seandainya manusia bisa melihat dengan kasat mata seperti apa tingkah laku malaikat pengintai itu, niscaya kaki mereka akan lemas jika mengetahuinya. 

Oleh kerana malaikat maut adalah makhluk ghaib, manusia tidak dapat melihat kehadirannya, itu sebabnya manusia tidak menyadari apa yang dilakukan malaikat Izrail di sekelilingnya. 

Hadis Nabi s.a.w yang diriwayatkan oleh Abdullah bin Abbas r.a bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Bahwa malaikat maut memperhatikan wajah manusia di muka bumi ini 70 kali dalam sehari. Ketika Izrail datang merenungi wajah seseorang, didapati orang itu sedang bergelak-ketawa. Maka berkata Izrail: ‘Alangkah herannya aku melihat orang ini, padahal aku diutus oleh Allah untuk mencabut nyawanya kapan saja, tetapi dia masih terlihat bodoh dan bergelak ketawa.’” 

Jika takdirnya hingga esok hari terakhir Allah ‘pinjamkan’ nyawa untuk bernafas di muka bumi ini, apakah kita sudah cukup bekal menghadapi dua fase berikutnya yaitu alam barzah dan alam akhirat?

Posted by: Ngadimin

Indeed, no one ever knows when someone is going to face death, that's why many people do not prepare for his arrival. That is why Imam Al Ghazali warns us that in the world is something that most definitely is death, and death, nothing else.

Allah says which meant: "Every living will tasted death, and We try you with anxiety and excitement as a trial, and the We're the guys you'll be back." (Surah al-Anbiyak paragraph 35)

Do we know that the angel of death was always pay attention and see our faces as much as 70 times a day? If people could see with naked eyes what the angel of the surveillance behavior, surely they would limp legs if know.

By kerana angel of death is a supernatural creature, man can not see his presence, that's why people do not realize what the angel Azrael around him.

Fittingly, that we can obtain 50 goodness every time you drink water ..? How do I ..?

ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says:
"Whoever brings a good deed then for him (the reward of) ten times his credit, and whoever brings evil deeds, then he was not given retaliation but balanced by crimes, they are the least not persecuted
(disadvantaged) "
(Surat al-An'am: 160)

★ When to drink, read
"Bismillah" (can be a virtue)
☆ Take the right hand (to
a favor)


This time I will memebahas about the new isomer morning I learned while studying chemistry. For more details, read the following article.

In chemistry, isomers are molecules with the same chemical formula (and often with the same type of bond), but has a different arrangement of atoms (can be likened to an anagram). Most isomers have similar chemical properties to each other. There is also a term of nuclear isomers, namely nuclei that have different levels of excitation.
A simple example of an isomer is C3H8O. There are three isomers with the chemical formula, the two molecules of alcohol and an ether molecule. Two molecules of alcohol is 1-propanol (n-propyl alcohol, I), and 2-propanol (isopropyl alcohol, II). In


Trigonometry (from Greek trigōnon "triangle" + metron "measure") is a branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and the angles between these sides. Trigonometry defines the trigonometric functions, which describe those relationships and have applicability to cyclical phenomena, such as waves. The field evolved during the third century BC as a branch of geometry used extensively for astronomical studies.[2] It is also the foundation of the practical art of surveying.
Trigonometry basics are often taught in school either as a separate course or as part of a precalculus course. The trigonometric functions are pervasive in parts of pure mathematics and applied mathematics such as Fourier analysis and the wave equation, which are in turn essential to many branches of science and technology. Spherical trigonometry studies triangles on spheres, surfaces of constant positive curvature, in elliptic geometry. It is fundamental to astronomy and navigation. Trigonometry on surfaces of negative curvature is part of Hyperbolic geometry.


The first trigonometric table was apparently compiled by Hipparchus, who is now

Baseball Game

Baseball is a kind of sport balls. Game 2 groups was performed using a tennis ball as a tool to shoot opponents and rock piles to be spliced​​. Anyone who managed to pile up stones quickly without the ball is hit to win the game. At the beginning of the game, first determined which group would be the beginning and the guard who pursued the suit. The group that became guardian should immediately catch the ball immediately after the pile of rocks collapsed by the group is pursued. If the ball had touched the opponent, then the group members moved the ball to guard a pile of stones. Cooperation among members of a group is needed as well as sports softball or baseball.

Ohm's Law

Ohm's Law

The relationship between the strong current with a potential difference in a closed circuit was first investigated by a German physicist named George Siemon Ohm in a concept called Ohm's Law. Ohm's Law states that "At constant temperature, strong current in a closed circuit will be proportional to the potential difference between the ends of the circuit".

Gustav Robert Kirchoff

Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (12 March 1824 – 17 October 1887) was a German physicist who contributed to the fundamental understanding of electrical circuits, spectroscopy, and the emission of black-body radiation by heated objects.
He coined the term "black body" radiation in 1862, and two sets of independent concepts in both circuit theory and thermal emission are named "Kirchhoff's laws" after him, as well as a law of thermochemistry. The Bunsen–Kirchhoff Award for spectroscopy is named after him and his colleague, Robert Bunsen.

Life and work

Gustav Kirchhoff was born in Königsberg, East Prussia, the son of Friedrich Kirchhoff, a lawyer, and Johanna Henriette Wittke. He graduated from the Albertus University of Königsberg in 1847 where he attended the mathematico-physical seminar directed by Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi,[1] Franz Ernst Neumann and Friedrich Julius Richelot. He married Clara Richelot, the daughter of his mathematics professor Richelot. In the same year, they moved to Berlin, where he stayed until he received a professorship at Breslau.
 Black-and-white image of two middle-aged men, either one leaning with one elbow on a wooden column in the middle. Both wear long jackets, and the shorter man on the left has a beard.
Gustav Kirchhoff (left) and Robert Bunsen (right)

Tolerance in religion

Toleransi Dalam Islam 
Tolerance of Islam - One of the important features of Islam is peace, Islam seeks to strengthen peace for mankind and for the achievement of the objectives it laid the foundations of Islamic religious tolerance. One of the basic teachings of Islam who got the first place is the recognition of truth all the messengers of God who sent Him for guidance to people for whom they have been sent since the time of Adam We read in the Holy Qur'an:

"And for all the people there was an apostle". (10:48).


Pancasila as the Basis and Ideological State

Ideology comes from the word "idea" which means the idea, understanding the word "logy" meaning knowledge. So the knowledge of significant ideological ideas, knowledge of the ideas, science of ideas or teachings on the meaning of terms dasar.Istilah ideology was first pointed out by a perangcis Destutt de Tracy in 1796. Karl Marx defines ideology as a way of life that was developed based on the interests of a particular social group or class in the political or social or socio-economics.

What is "Pantun"..???

Poem "Pantun" is a long poem that is bound by certain conditions (number of lines, number of syllables, words, poetry, and content).

The characteristics of the poem is

a. Poem consists of a number of lines that are always even that is a unit called the stanza / couplet.

b. Each line consists of four words formed from 8-12 syllables (generally 10 syllables).

c. Half of the first verse is sampiran (preparation for entering the contents of the poem), the next verse is half the content (which would be submitted).

d. Poetry between sampiran and content are always parallel (ab-ab or abc-abc or abcd or abcd-aa-aa)

e. roll two

Based on the shape / number of lines of each stanza, rhyme can be divided into

a. Pantun usual, the poem consists of four lines of each stanza.


Adobe premiere

Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing program. It is part of the Adobe Creative Suite, a suite of graphic design, video editing, and web development applications made by Adobe Systems. Premiere Pro supports many video editing cards and plug-ins for accelerated process, additional file format support, and video / audio effects. Premiere Pro CS4 is the first version to be optimized for 64-bit operating system though not natively 64-bit.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop, or so-called Photoshop, Sotosop is made in the image editor software Adobe Systems is devoted to editing photos / drawings and manufacturing effects. The software is widely used by digital photographers and advertising company that is considered as the market leader (market leader) for image processing software, and, together with Adobe Acrobat, is regarded as the best product ever produced by Adobe Systems. Eighth version of the application is called by the name of Photoshop CS (Creative Suite), version called Photoshop CS2 nine, ten version called Adobe Photoshop CS3, and a version of the last (eleventh) was Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Photoshop is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Mac OS; versions 9 and above can also be used by other operating systems such as Linux using software such as CrossOver.


Understanding Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition is a digital audio multitrack recording, editor and mixer are already used and has a range of sound processing. With Adobe udition You can record voice, improve sound quality, add sound effects, and combine with various sound tracks into one track

Shooting Techniques

There are several techniques for taking pictures or video, the following techniques are often used:

1.TAKING PICTURES [CAMERA ANGLE].a.Bird Eye View.Taking pictures taken from above at a certain height so that shows such a vast environment with other objects, which appear below so small.Taking pictures in this way is usually by helicopter or from tall buildings.


This is the fourth event in the world's most bizarre

This is the fourth incident in the Strange World
In this world, a lot of the unique phenomena happened sometimes very difficult to explain by logic, even now also a lot of events that can not be explained by logic. Among tersbut events, there are four events, recorded in the modern world (at least until the year 1518), and all this just can not be explained by logic.

1. Dancing Deaths

July 1518, a woman named Frau Troffea called runs on one narrow street in Strasbourg, France, and began to dance that lasted about four or six days in a row. At the end of the week, 34 people took part with the dance, and in a month, bizarre dance participants reached 400 people.

Let's Play, Test Eye and Brain

There is one interesting game to see the picture below. Every now and then we do a test to determine how thorough the eyes of search and train the brain's response.

The rules are as follows:

1. Should do this with family, friends or your partner, yes. Especially now Saturday night, the game makes you healthy dating, he ... he .. he ...

2. Take a stopwatch to measure time

3. Determine how: "Find the number 8 of the row of numbers on the picture"

4. Ready? Direct search ...

5. Well, if you can get the number 8 in under 15 seconds means your eyes are still sharp and witty. If between 30 and 40 seconds, which means that standard. But if more than 1 minute, well have to see the eye doctor,heheheheh

Congratulations play :-)


Most Terrible Bridges In England

The bridge is located in the basement may be an illustration of Khazad-dm in the Mines of Moria, where Gandalf faced the Balrog in the movie 'The Lord of the Rings'.

This bridge is a relic of a former underground mining activities in the UK, and consists of a wooden bridge that is supported by the rusty iron chains beneath steep cliffs that are ready to prey on us.



A Vietnamese pesilat
Silat is a collective word for indigenous martial arts that originates from Indonesia, it is traditionally practiced in, Malaysia, southern Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei and the Philippines.
There are hundreds of different styles but they tend to focus either on strikes, joint manipulation, throws, bladed weaponry, or some combination thereof. Silat is one of the sports included in the Southeast Asian Games and other region-wide competitions. Training halls are overseen by separate national organizations in each of the main countries the art is practiced. These are Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia (IPSI) from Indonesia, Persekutuan Silat Kebangsaan Malaysia (PESAKA) from Malaysia, Persekutuan Silat Brunei Darussalam (PERSIB) from Brunei and Persekutuan Silat Singapura (PERSISI) from Singapore.


The origin of the word silat is unknown. It likely comes from the Tamil word silambam, which has long been practiced by the Indian community of Malaysia.[citation needed] The Tamils also use the word silatguvarisai to define their silambam movement patterns. Other similar-sounding words have been proposed but none have been proven.
Originally silat was used as a generic term for any system of fighting in the region. Today, the word has a formidable arsenal of terms used to refer to martial arts in Southeast Asia. It is usually called pencak silat in Indonesia or silek in the Minangkabau language. Some examples of the word's application in Malaysia and Singapore include seni silat (art of silat) and seni bela-diri (art of self-defence).


A silat exponent in Bali, Indonesia
Fighting arts in the Malay Archipelago arose out of hunting methods and military training by the region's native inhabitants. The descendents of former headhunters still perform ancient wardances which are considered the precursor of the freestyle form in silat. While these aborigines retained their tribal way of life, the Indo-Malay diaspora instead based their culture on China and India. By adopting the Indian faiths of Hinduism and Buddhism, their social structure became more organised. Evidence shows that silat was influenced by both Chinese and Indian martial arts.Many of the region's medicinal practices and weapons originated in either India or China, and silat's thigh-slapping actions are reminiscent of Hindu wrestling.[4] The Chinese community also practiced their own localised martial arts known as kuntao, which both influenced and borrowed from silat.