Largest Puzzle Solved in Mathematics

TOKYO, Puzzle greatest in mathematics, called the ABC conjecture, solved. Shinichi Mochizuki, Kyoto University mathematician, enter 4 scientific papers describing the conjecture that online.

Proof ABC conjecture Mochizuki described in 500 pages. Data PDF format can be viewed on the website belongs to Mochizuki as Teichmüller Theory. The Guardian, Wednesday (19/09/2012), stating, Mochizuki took about 4 years to solve the theory.

Among mathematicians are now analyzing Mochizuki description to be confirmed. If proven true, then the work Mochizuki will be the greatest achievement in mathematics in this century. True or description Mochizuki would not be known in quick time.

ABC conjecture, first proposed by British mathematician, David Masser with the French mathematician Josep Oesterle in 1935. It is yet to be proved in a mathematical truth.

ABC conjecture related to the equation a + b = c. Conjecture relating the numbers for a, b and c that does not have the same divisor other than 1. Conjecture is also related to prime numbers, prime numbers more than 1 that has no divisors other than 1 and the number itself.

Simply put, if there is a prime number that is divided by a or b several times the amount must be equal to the number of prime numbers divided by c only a few times. An example is the addition operation 81 = 64 = 145.

Numbers 3 divides 81 four times. While the two share 64 6 times. However, 145 is equal to 5 x 29. So it will be found that the largest prime number, 5 and 29, divided only by 1 145 times to get a number that can not be divided again by the number itself

New York Times on Tuesday (09/17/2012) announces that Tune Mochizuki description is not only a brilliant description of itself, but also the "language" of mathematics is used. Spoken language is completely new.

"He wears a language completely new, you could say, a new universe of mathematical objects, for something unusual mndeskripsikan the universe," said Minhyong Kim, mathematicians from the University of Oxford.

Mochizuki did not describe himself as a mathematician, but the inter-universal geometer. Is it? many mathematicians is not yet well understood. However, Michizuki believed to be a qualified person in mathematics.

Mochizuki interested in understanding how the mystery was the greatest in math? Visit the following web site.

Sources: Guardian, New York Times

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