Broadcasting, or radio and television are mass media, a tool used to communicate with the crowd. Distribution of radio (audio) and television (video) delivered to the transmission to the listener and viewer. After Suharto period, growth in the number of radio and television stations so rapidly that many workers are not two media received his science broadcasting.There are so many skills required to run a radio station let alone television. Some professions are very popular radio broadcaster, television presenter and producer. The rest may still very rarely do we hear while we're in college, it's worth closer to various businesses. Radio and, in particular television desperately need people who are creative, innovative and productive.Types of mediaAs we know, the media is a 'tool' that connects us to the outside world. Without the media, we will be hard to know what is going on around us. Therefore it can be said that the media is the main source of information for everyone in the world.Media can be classified into three according to their kinds, the print media consists of newspapers, magazines, etc., electronic media consists of television and radio, and its status is still not clear online media with the internet.Online media is also often called 'media sissy' because the same function - the same can be classified into two previous media, print and electronic.Three types of media'd also have disadvantages and advantages in terms of speed, cost of production, sharpness news, etc.. Three media advantages and disadvantages are:Print MediaExcess (+):

Repeatable, can be read many times by saving or mengklipingnya.
Sharper analysis, can make people really understand the content of the news with a more detailed analysis and to make people think more specifically about the contents of the writing.
Shortage (-):

Slow, in terms of time is a late print media because the media is not able to spread the word that going directly to the public and had to wait down the print. Print media is often just ran a story that has been disseminated by the media.
The absence of the audio, print media only form of writing which of course can not be heard.
Limited visual, print media can only provide a visual form of images that represent the overall content of the news.
Production, production cost is quite expensive because the print media to print and send it before it can be enjoyed by people.

Electronic MediaExcess (+):

Fast, in terms of time, the electronic media has been rapid in spreading the news to the commu

There are audio visual, audio visual electronic media have that allows the audience to understand the story. (Television special)
Affordable wide, electronic media to reach the public at large.
Shortage (-):

There is no repetition, the electronic media can not repeat what has been aired.

Online MediaExcess (+):

Very quickly, in terms of media time online very fast in delivering the news.
Audio Visual, online media also has a visual audio stream.
Practical and Flexible, online media can be accessed from anywhere and anytime we want.
Shortage (-):

Not always right, because it prioritizes the speed of news published in the media online is usually not as accurate as other media.
Unreachable area. Yet all walks of life can enjoy the services of online media
Seeing flaws and advantages of the above three media, online media have the advantage in terms of speed. Speed ​​can beat two other media because audiences now prefer the speed and ease of access to information, and it is owned by the online media.Seeing this, the prospect of online media will be superior and can outperform both types of media. Moreover, if the whole world can access the internet easily, automated online media audience will be more frequently used than the other two types of media.The problem faced is currently online media have not been able to reach all levels of society. Only a few certain circles who can access this information through online media. Maybe now it is more advanced because of the lower layers that have been the minority community media accessed online, the number has increased. But there are still other obstacles, namely their limited human resources, which can only access some minor information or just chatting and open a social networking site.Know RadioRadio is a technology used for sending signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves and radiation. How to change the modulation is a periodic waveform, typically low frequency, making a signal capable of carrying the information. Electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electric and magnetic fields that propagate through air space and bring the energy.Characteristics of RadioRadio broadcasts have special properties or characteristics that need to be understood, as only serving the voice, can build imagination, and the seed is primarily a fast time (real time) .. for study and master the knowledge of the characteristics of this radio radio programs can be developed to the fullest.Radio characteristics are important to know are:-Auditory (consumption ears)-The Theatre Of The Mind (media imagination)-At Once (quick / quickly / instantly)-Heard Once (heard at a glance)-Personal / familiar / individual-Secondary Medium (friend in the activity).-Penetrating space and time-Budget / cheap-Mobile (easily carried / moved)-Local (proximity factor)-Mass Media / speaks to millions.Television Production StagesTelevision as the electronic media is the most widely used by the public in obtaining information. In addition to its information displayed in the form of audio visual equipment, television can display information simultaneously. Besides television can reach a lot of people as to be able to enjoy television shows, people do not need to pay too much. Thus, a television program will be able to continue running depending on the response from the public. In order for a television program to achieve the desired target audience, then it should be done several television production stages before we make a television program.Here is a television production stages:1. Make the purpose of the production, is the most important part in the production stage. We must make clear goals and objectives for the purpose of these two phases of the production will run smoothly degan. If the goals are not achieved, then we can evaluate how the right purpose that an event can be produced with either. Production goals could be for information, education, and others. In fact, the main purpose of the production of the program is to attract viewers that will affect the success or failure of a production program.2. Analyzing the target audience, before carrying out the production, things we need to do is analyze the target audience either of psychographic, demographic, geographic, and others that will not happen "wrong address" in making a program. Programs targeted to the elderly, pack it so exciting program watched by parents. Do not let the fact that kids enjoy so what happens is that the viewers get bored and not the target audience will be affected by "Syndrome Television".3. Look back similar programs that have been there before, in producing a program, let's look back whether existing or similar programs we've ever made before. If the program ever created that fails, then create a new program. The errors that occurred in the previous program will create a new program is different because all been evaluated. Change is important. In this case involving the concept, support the artist, location, and time.4. Creating a plan, Creating a plan is the stage where the concepts are well thought translated onto paper. In preparing this proposal there are several more steps that must be overcome. The first is to make treatment and explain the details of the purpose of the program made. Once the part is completed, create a script the whole program. In this case, analyze and evaluate the design of the program, which will be approved or rejected based program design.5. Making Settings Schedule / Schedule, setting schedule do not show it without planning and evaluation afterwards. There is a process through which those impressions that can be routinely done television stations. That set it all done in one department of the Programming Department. Inside TV Programming will be covered:· Orientation Program· Policy Program· Strategy Program· Event Resources· Pattern Events· Criteria for Events· Development ProgramTo run to seven aspects, programming has had to have a strategy that is: Counter Programming, Programming Block, Hammock, Tentoling, and Stunting.6. Choosing the location, if insufficient production in the studio, you have to decide where on the outside. The person in charge of surveying and coordinate location is called location scout or location manager.7. Selecting actors and tools, here you decide who will portray the characters in your production directly fairs offer famous people / can also go through the selection process (casting). It can also be done long before the production takes place. It can be used as a proposal. People who deal with costumes and called the Set Designer. He was in charge saw the script and then do some research and then discuss it with the director, after making the above agreement. Set Designer can also be a Designer on the computer if it requires a touch of computer production.8. Starting drills and shooting, depending on what kind of show. Exercise or called rehearsal can be done at the time of booking or prior to the main event in the shooting. Production event live on tape using the system should do rehearsal because there will be special training for movement, camera properties, and others that can not be re-record. In contrast to the production of drama that can take pictures over and over because assisted with editing technology.9. Post Production, After all the production done, then follow the results of our production. Television broadcasting has a rating. In the television institution, aka events evaluated, tested / addressed by the informer.Gymnastics in BroadcastBroadcasters also have senamnya you know? Could also called articulation exercises. Because a broadcaster must have a good articulation. It's absolutely necessary. How could he attract audience attention and the conversation can be captured clearly by the audience, if he does not have a 'clear speech' (articulation) is good. Nah! We can start with this broadcast gymnastics. Simple, can be done anywhere but the most important one, we do regularly.Following a series of activities from gymnastics broadcast:1. Remove all the objects that make complicated, such as glasses etc..2. Relax your hands3. Place hands on hips, relax your head, then shakes his head two kalikesamping right, keep left aside. move until the count to 84. Hand remains at the waist. Two nods forward, two back. Perform a count to 85. Turn your head slowly to the count to 86. Hands on hips. Take a breath, hold it in the stomach, then release by opening his mouth wide open and a vowel sound. Repeat up to 8 times7. Hands on hips. Open mouth, ringing vocals Aiueo repeat up to 8 times8. Lift your arms to shoulder height face. Open palms. Tense, then stick your tongue down and make eye bulging. Hold to a count of eight.9. Raise hands to shoulder height face. Kuncupkan palms resemble a bird's beak. Tense. Then kerucutkan your mouth until 'mecucu' after that expresses your eyes like a frightened. (Meremkan kayak fear org) hold for a count to 810. Do it before bed at night and waking up

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